Panduan Pengesahan Akaun

Pengesahan Maklumat Akaun Alpari UK

Section C

Residents of all other countries – to open your account please send us one document (copy) from list (i) and two documents (copies) from list (ii) in the grey section below. You must provide a clear, full and certified* copy of your ID and address verification, certified by a lawyer, bank manager or notary only

*All copies must be certified by a lawyer, bank manager or notary public as a "true copy of the original", and include the stamp, full name, address, date and signature of the person performing the certification.

For Address Verification, we do not accept TV licenses, electronically generated PDF bank statements or utility bills and documents for PO BOX addresses. Moreover, the document must be dated within 3 months and include your full name and current residential address, and the issuer and date must be visible.

Please email clear scanned documents to or fax to +44 (0)20 7426 2949.

Untuk memudahkan akaun di proses,fotostat IC atau Passport serta Bill dalam warna,
Kemudian perlu dicop di suruhanjaya sumpah malaysia,satu keping cop adalah RM 5 dan mesti ada Certified True Copy stamping dan dalam English.

Contoh Certified True Copy

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Penyata Bank

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